& Art
& Art

Nina Danino, Stabat Mater (1990)
16mm still
Religion & Art is a CHASE funded research initiative by Nina Danino, Art Department, Goldsmiths University of London, and Mark Dean, Arts Chaplaincy Projects, with CHASE partner Department of Literature, Film and Theatre Studies (LIFTS) University of Essex represented by Professor Jeffrey Geiger. Starting with a symposium in 2020, it is a continuing project with a series of public cultural and critical events in different formats that set out to create interdisciplinary encounters between religion and art from a generative position and to create a field of research and further enquiry in art practice.
In 2020 a symposium hosting presentations by artists, theorists and researchers was held at Goldmiths
In 2021 the project expanded to a series of practice-based discussions in an online forumTalks
In 2022 a series of online interdisciplinary talks were presented by José Carlos Diaz, Tina Beattie, and Jarel Robinson-Brown, followed by the opportunity for extended discussionLive
In 2023-4 a series of live events presented performative and time-based works in situ and livestreamedColab
For 2025, a new series of in-person practice-based research collaborations are currently being developed – please check back for further details